About Me

Photography has taken me on quite a journey! I started out offering free pet photography to the locals of Hertfordshire, and since then, I've shot at some of the largest festivals in the UK. So how did I get here?

Someone in a gray hoodie stands with crossed arms in front of a glacial landscape with turquoise water and snowy mountains.

Like many, I started my career without a clear direction. I knew I didn’t want to be stuck in a role that wasn't fulfilling. My journey has included stints as a salesman, bartender, and working in an office - none of which satisfied my creative instincts. It took a while for me for to realise, but eventually, it became clear that I needed to find a path that would allow me to express my creativity. Photography had always intrigued me and many of my peers had studied photography at school. It seemed, not only enjoyable, but deeply therapeutic. At the time, my life was headed in a different direction and I went on to study Construction Management at Plymouth University. 

In my second year, there were many things going on in my life that made finishing my degree unattainable, and I had to move back home. I'd started an apprenticeship to become an estimator in an attempt to put myself back on track. Despite this, it wasn't meant to be as the pandemic began to run its course and I was soon let go. This was incredibly difficult and I felt that I had wasted years of my life pursuing something that wasn't meant to be. Although it got quite dark, there were some signs of light that started to shine through in this situation.

The pandemic had allowed me to get more in tune with my creative side. I learned the guitar, because if I didn't try now, then when - if ever? I was able to think about my life and where I wanted to take it. Pondering over what to do with my life, I remembered back to my time at school. Not long after the end of lockdowns, I had decided to invest into some camera equipment and I started snapping away. Initially, I offered free pet photography to the locals of Hertfordshire and this quickly evolved into collaborating with a variety of creatives. I started honing my skills through trial and error and I had quickly decided to focus all of my energy into turning photography into something I was going to make a living out of. The risk had led me to a determination I hadn’t felt before. It had ignited a burning passion, and the flames within me grew with each shoot I found myself involved with.

I relentlessly pursued opportunities, applying for every job I could find, even though I was doubtful of success. Eventually, my persistence paid off. I received an offer from a company willing to take me on, and while I had once dismissed school photography, it was there that my professional journey began. Since then, I’ve had the privilege of working on projects such as; behind-the-scenes photography for a sitcom pilot and covering events like Boomtown Festival. It's already been the journey of a lifetime but I'm still only just getting started. I'm always ready for the next shoot!

Looking back, there isn't really anything I would change. The detours, setbacks, and challenges I've faced have pushed me to grow, both personally, and professionally. With each shoot, I am reminded that all of this started all because not only did I decide to take a risk, but I decided to finally start believing in myself. Wherever this road takes me, I look forward to meeting you on the way. This is my story. This is Photography by Liam.

A silhouetted figure watches the golden sunset over a rocky ocean coastline.