Equine Photography

Majestic In every way

Equine photography is one of my favourite things to shoot! Standing on the other side of a hedge waiting for a horse to bolt over; it's just a feeling that you never get bored of. I offer a range of packages for all owners. Whether you're looking for getting some action shots, or something more relaxed. There is something here for you.

Equestrian riding a brown horse in proper riding attire during training.
An equestrian jumping a black horse over an obstacle in a green field.
Two beautiful horses with bridles touching noses in an intimate moment.
Rider on a white horse jumping gracefully over an obstacle in a grassy field.
Equestrian and horse leaping over a hedge during a cross-country event.
Two equestrians on horseback having a conversation in a pastoral setting with wooden fencing.
Equestrian jumping over hedge on chestnut horse during cross-country event.
Three riders on horseback traveling together across a green pasture under cloudy skies.
Three riders galloping across a green field during an equestrian event.
Rider on bay horse in classic equestrian attire trots through countryside setting.
Equestrian on grey horse clearing a high jump over hedgerow obstacle.
Two riders jumping horses simultaneously across a grassy field.
Horse and rider clearing wooden fence jump during cross country event.
Two riders trotting horses across green pasture during equestrian event.